
Routing refers to the sequence of operations and workstations required to manufacture a product. It defines the steps or processes, the order in which they occur, and the workstations involved. Routing helps in organizing production and ensuring that every step is followed in the correct order.

To access the Routing list, go to:

Home > Manufacturing > Bill of Materials > Routing

How to Create a Routing

  1. Go to the Routing list, click on New.
  2. Enter name for the Routing.
  3. Enter the Operations in the BOM Operation table:
    • Select the Operation.
    • The default Workstation will be fetched.
    • Enter the Hourly Rate for running this Operation.
    • Enter the Operation Time in minutes.
    • Enter the Batch Size, i.e. the number of units processed in this Operation.
    • The Operating Cost will be calculated based on the Hourly Rate and the Operation Time.
  4. Save

Purpose of Routing:

  • To plan and control the manufacturing process from start to finish.
  • To ensure efficient flow by defining where and in what order operations occur.
  • To allocate resources effectively, including machines, labour, and materials.
  • To track production time and costs at each step.
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